
At Balfour & Co we don’t often focus on the champ category, so when the call came down to build an impressive brochure, I was brought in to make it stand out. I designed original concepts, fleshed out layout, and prepped it for publication.

In my time at Ruby Red Paint, I probably designed a dozen packaging solutions from labels to Ldpe bags to blister cards, but the small 2ml blister card was probably my favorite. I told a big story in an on-brand tiny package with clever functionality at a low cost for the company.

Virginia Tech is a big deal at Balfour & Co. When their 150th anniversary came around, we needed a real show-stopper of a brochure. I was put in charge of brochure redesign and built a stunning z-fold glossy brochure that reps, student councils, and the school were thrilled with.